Useful links
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Here are some useful links for: NHS workers in London Old Scholars who may be furloughed Those looking for volunteering opportunities For Old Scholars working for the NHS and based in London: Cook-19, are a London based charity delivering ready-made meals to NHS staff in different trusts across the capital. If you know anyone who works in the NHS who could do with a delicious meal during their shifts, or wish to request a meal for yourself as a frontline worker, please head to the charity’s website https://cook-19.co.uk/ for more information. For those working from home for the first time: The following advice about well-being may be useful https://www.hays.co.uk/blog/-/blogs/7-simple-ways-to-look-after-your-wellbeing-when-working-from-home For those who have found themselves furloughed, or who will be facing it shortly: Money Saving Expert Tips https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2020/03/uk-coronavirus-help-and-your-rights/ Net salary calculator 2020-2021 (including a Furlough calculator) https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/ Daniel Barnett’s podcasts on the Government’s Furlough Scheme Listen to Episode 43 podcast at http://employmentlawmatters.buzzsprout.com/ The Emotions of being Furloughed https://www.mountainswave.com/post/the-emotions-of-being-furloughed Volunteering – some options Ideas for Furloughed workers https://viewber.co.uk/news/6-ideas-for-those-furloughed-or-free-of-work Neighbourhood Watch C-19 response https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/news/our-news-special-edition-published Walk a dog or short-term foster a pet whose owner is in hospital https://cinnamon.org.uk/volunteers/ NCVO Overview https://www.ncvo.org.uk/ncvo-volunteering/i-want-to-volunteer/volunteering-coronavirus Do IT - Say how you can help to get matched to opportunities https://doit.life/coronaresponse NHS Volunteer responders https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS |